You are entitled and encouraged to complain if your right to vote or more generally your right to free election has not been observed.

The Ombudsperson 

If you think you could not exercise your right to free elections, you can contact the Ombudsperson of the Republic of Croatia.

The State Electoral Commission of the Republic of Croatia

The bodies responsible for the election of representatives to the Croatian Parliament are the State Electoral Commission, election commissions of constituencies, municipal and city election commissions and polling committees. Complaints due to irregularities in the candidacy procedure or in the election procedure are submitted to the State Electoral Commission.

The Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee is a supra-party body of generally recognized public reputation that promotes and implements ethical and democratic principles in elections through announcements and warnings. The Ethics Committee evaluates the behaviour of election participants during election campaigning, the election process itself and conducts non-administrative supervision of election campaigning.

Constitutional Court

If you are prohibited from voting by law and you believe that this is a violation of your human rights, you may also complain to the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court may, accordingly, declare the particular legal regulation restricting your right to vote to be incompatible with the Constitution.

Complaints to international human rights bodies

If you believe that a violation of your rights has not been remedied by Croatian institutions or courts, you can submit a complaint to international and European institutions, such as the European Court of Human Rights or the UN Human Rights Committee.


Last updated 22/03/2024