Procedure for submitting a complaint in the case of public authorities.

Complaint to institution

If the institution that has performed the video monitoring is a public authority and you believe that the monitoring and recording has resulted in harm to your right to private life, you can complain to the authority that has processed your data.

Your application

In your application you should:

  • refer to the relevant provisions that entitle you to seek compensation
  • provide arguments as to which activities taken by the authority that performs surveillance and possesses the footage were unlawful and why
  • name the legal provisions which have been violated, if possible
  • indicate the amount of the requested compensation
  • add relevant documents that substantiate your opinion, if there are any

The institution itself or its supervising (or otherwise competent) authority will assess whether the institution has acted lawfully and, if not, may order compensation.

Appeal to Administrative court

If you are not satisfied with the decision taken by the authority, you can challenge the decision in the Administrative court. You can learn more how to prepare your application in the Administrative Procedure Act

The administrative court will assess whether the data user has acted lawfully. If not and it has caused you damage, the court may oblige the institution to provide compensation.


Last updated 10/06/2024