Public persons play a certain role in public life, whether this is in politics, the economy, the arts, the social sphere, sports or other domains. Public persons are politicians and other public figures, such as athletes, actors, supermodels, businessmen and other celebrities.

Level of privacy

The activities of public persons usually attract the wider interest of society, especially with regard to political issues. Public persons are more exposed to the eyes and ears of society and have to accept wider scrutiny than private individuals.

In certain special circumstances, society’s right to be informed can even extend to aspects of the private life of public figures. However, that does not mean that public persons do not enjoy protection of their image and, accordingly, their private lives. Still, they have to tolerate a lower level of privacy than ordinary persons.

Right to private life vs. freedom of expression

When pictures of public persons are taken and published, the publisher, usually the media, exercises its freedom of expression in order to achieve a legitimate aim – informing society about situations of public interest and promoting discussion within society. Nevertheless, the proportionality and necessity for the use of the image should be examined in each individual case.

Has your image been used lawfully?

See the questions below to evaluate whether your image has been used lawfully and whether your privacy has been sufficiently respected. If, in your situation, the answer to one of these questions is negative, your privacy may have been violated. In such a case you have the right to complain. Read more about how to complain.


Last updated 10/06/2024