If you think you have been discriminated against, you have the right to complain to different state institutions. You must choose the relevant state institution, applicable to your situation.

There are several state institutions in Croatia that may take action in cases of discrimination. You can generally choose the relevant state institution depending on the field in which you have experienced discrimination.

important In most cases, such institutions are entitled to issue individual reports or, at best, suggest the initiation of misdemeanor or criminal proceedings. If you are seeking compensation, you could consider bringing a claim before a court.


The Ombudsman is in charge of implementing the principle of equality and non-discrimination. The Ombudspersons are entitled to investigate the cases of discrimination conducted by the state and local bodies and other public authorities, in relation to which judicial proceedings have not been initiated yet. Following the individual’s complaint, the Ombudsman will conduct the investigation and issue a report in which it will determine whether there was discrimination and, if possible, how it should be remedied. It can also suggest the opening of a misdemeanor or criminal proceedings. 

Note that the Croatian Ombudsman system is made of one general Ombudsperson and a number of sector-specific Ombudspersons. Which one will be competent to decide on your complaint depends on the ground of discrimination that you are invoking. Gender Equality Ombudsperson covers discrimination on the basis of sex, marital or family status, gender identity and expression, and sexual orientation. The Ombudsperson for Persons with Disabilities covers cases of discrimination on the ground of disability, while the Ombudsperson for Children covers discrimination against children. The General Ombudsperson covers all the other grounds.

More information is available here: Ombudsperson.

Sectoral institutions

In addition to one of the Ombudspersons of the Republic of Croatia, your complaint can be resolved by a special department in the State Inspectorate.

Anyone who thinks they have been discriminated against (due to one or more grounds from the Anti-Discrimination Act) can seek free legal assistance (instructions) consult with a lawyer of your choice or they can address the court with a lawsuit. 

If you believe your employer has discriminated against you, you can submit a complaint to the State Labour Inspectorate. You can also complain to the State Labor Inspectorate if you believe that you have been discriminated against in the selection procedure.

The State Labour Inspectorate may decide to initiate investigation following your complaint. Following the investigation, the Inspectorate will write a report and can potentially recommend the initiation of misdemeanor or criminal proceedings.


Last updated 07/04/2024