You can submit your complaint in writing by filling in the official form and sending it via post to the Ombudsperson, by phone and in person.


You can apply by filling in the official complaint form for the violation of the child's rights and sending it to the above-mentioned addresses.


Submissions to the Ombudsperson for Persons for Children are submitted in the Croatian language and Latin script.

If the units of local and regional (regional) self-government in question, in addition to the Croatian language and the Latin script, introduced another language and another script into official use, the parties who reside in that area can submit submissions in another language or script.


In the application, it is necessary to state:

  • your name, surname and address
  • name, surname, age and address of the child
  • name of the body to which the complaint refers
  • description of the problem - state what the violation of the child's rights consists of
  • attach copies of acts adopted in the procedure and other documents


You have to attach copies of acts adopted in the court procedure, or any other procedure from a state institution or body, and other documents.

Time limits

The Ombudsperson for Children freely decides whether to take the proposal into consideration and to what extent, taking into account the protection of the rights and interests of the child, the possibility of violation of the rights and interests of a larger number of children, and the manner and circumstances under which the violation of rights and interests occurred or may occur of a child.

If the proposal is incomprehensible or incomplete, the Ombudsperson for children will invite the applicant to edit or supplement the proposal within 30 days. If the proposer does not comply with the invitation within the deadline, it will be considered that he has abandoned the proposal. The Ombudsperson for Children will inform the applicant of the proposed activities.


Applications can be submitted by phone, in person, and in writing:

  • by mail, to the address: The Ombudsperson for Children, Teslina 10, 10000 Zagreb
  • by phone: +3851 4929 669
  • by e-mail:
  • special e-mail only for children:

Legal aid

You do not need a laywer for applying/writing a complaint to the Ombudsperson for Children.

The Ombudsperson for Children does not represent citizens before state bodies, bodies of local and regional self-government units and legal entities with public powers, does not provide legal assistance and does not interpret laws and other regulations.


Last updated 17/04/2024