The Ombudsperson for Children can:

  • warn, give proposals and recommendations in respect to promoting and protecting children’s rights and interests
  • access and insight into all data, information and files concerned with the rights and protection of children
  • if during the performance of the Ombudsperson, find out that a child is being subject to physical or mental violence, sexual abuse, maltreatment or exploitation, negligence or careless treatment, the Ombudsperson will immediately lodge a report about it to the competent General Attorney Office, and warn competent center for social welfare and suggest the measures for the protection of the rights and interests of the child.

The Ombudsperson for Children cannot:

The Ombudsperson can only fulfil those tasks which are outlined under the Ombudsman for Children Act. Therefore, the Ombudsperson cannot:

  • revoke or change decisions of courts or state institutions
  • examine the evidence in court cases
  • punish state officials or private individuals
  • give you compensation for a violation of your human rights
  • provide legal advice not related to your human rights
  • write applications to courts or state institutions or write other legal documents for you
  • represent you in the European Court of Human Rights or other international body


Last updated 27/03/2024