Everyone has the right to submit a proposal to the Ombudsperson for Children for consideration of issues of importance for the protection of children's rights and interests.

example The Ombudsperson for Children can act towards the Ministry of Education when they consider a decision, or provision, is discriminatory towards children, like the decision that both parents have to reside in the territory of the same municipality/city. That can lead to possible discrimination of children, based on their family status, when exercising the right to enroll in kindergarten. The Ombudsperson warned the Ministry, the city and municipalities about these conditions and other conditions which can be discriminatory. 

The proposal can be submitted in writing by post, e-mail or directly in person at the Office of the Ombudsperson for Children.

The proposal must be comprehensible and complete. If the application is incomprehensible or incomplete, the ombudsman for children will invite the applicant to edit or supplement the proposal within 30 days. 

The Ombudsperson for Children freely decides whether to take the proposal into consideration and to what extent, taking into account the protection of the rights and interests of the child, the possibility of violation of the rights and interests of a larger number of children, and the manner and circumstances under which the violation of rights and interests of a child occurred or may occur.


Last updated 17/04/2024