The Ombudsperson for Gender Equality can:

  • receive complaints from any natural persons or legal entities regarding discrimination in the area of gender equality
  • provide assistance to natural and legal persons who filed a complaint of sexual discrimination when instituting legal proceedings
  • take steps to investigate individual complaints prior to the legal proceedings
  • conduct, with the consent of the parties involved, a mediation process with a possibility to reach an out-of court settlement
  • collect and analysing statistical data on cases of sexual discrimination
  • conduct independent surveys concerning discrimination, publish independent reports and exchange available information with corresponding European bodies

The Ombudsperson for Gender Equality cannot:

  • revoke or change decisions of courts or state institutions
  • examine the evidence in court cases
  • punish state officials or private individuals
  • give you compensation for a violation of your human rights
  • provide legal advice not related to your human rights
  • write applications to courts or state institutions or write other legal documents for you
  • represent you in the European Court of Human Rights or other international body

If, in the course of performing their duties, the Ombudsperson becomes aware of a violation of the provisions of the Act on Gender Equality with features of a criminal offense, the Ombudsperson will file a report with the competent state attorney's office. If the Ombudsperson assesses that the principle of gender equality has been violated, the Ombudsperson has the right to submit a proposal to start the procedure for evaluating the constitutionality of the law, that is, the constitutionality and legality of other regulations.


Last updated 17/04/2024