The Ombudsperson considers cases of violations of the principle of gender equality, cases of discrimination against individuals or groups of individuals committed by state administration bodies, units of local and regional self-government bodies and other bodies with public powers, employees of these bodies and other legal and natural persons.     

example When an employer has a practice of not hiring women in the age group of 24-32 because of the risk that they will start a family, or women's employment contracts are not extended for a fixed period if they become pregnant or use sick leave to care for sick children or care for pregnancy, these are cases of dicrimination of women based on their gender. If this, or similar experiences happenned to you, contact the Ombudsperson and the Ombudsperson will take neccessary steps to ensure this does not happen again. 

The Ombudsperson for Gender Equality can be contacted by all persons who wish to report a case of discrimination or violation of rights based on gender, sexual orientation, marital or family status, regardless of whether they are directly harmed.

In case you are reporting on behalf of another person, the Ombudsperson will contact that person and ask for their consent to act. In case that person expressly objects, the Ombudsperson will not act on your application.


Last updated 27/03/2024