Anyone can submit a request for access to information to the Information Commissioner in person, by phone, in writing and through an application form.


A request for access to information can be submitted to a public body in several ways: orally (in person or by phone) or in writing (by post, in person, fax or e-mail). It can also be done through the application form.


The requests for access to information are usually submitted in the Croatian language and Latin script.


The request must contain some basic elements:

  • name and headquarters of the public authority
  • data from which it is easy to conclude what information you are requesting (description or name of the information or document you are looking for)
  • your data (name and surname and address and/or registered office for a legal entity

In the request, you can indicate the preferred way to obtain access to the information, and you are not obliged to refer to the Act on the Right of Access to Information or specify the purpose for which you need it. A public authority that would require you to rename the submission to a request for access to information or to state the purpose of using the information would be acting contrary to the law. 

Time limit

If your request is not clear enough or not complete, the public authority will immediately invite you to correct or supplement it within 5 days. If you do not correct it, and it is not clear from the original request what exactly you are looking for, the public authority will, as a rule, reject your request. 

You can always cancel the submitted request, if, for example, you have obtained the requested information in another way or you are simply no longer interested. Inform the public authority in writing, by e-mail or verbally about the waiver of the request.

If you believe that the information provided on the basis of the request is not correct or complete, you can request the correction or supplement of the information from the public authority within 15 days from the day of receiving the information.


Trg žrtava fašizma 3
10000 Zagreb
Telefon: 01/ 2099 100
Fax: 01/ 2099 122

Legal aid

You do not need to hire a laywer to complain to the Information Commissioner. 


Last updated 17/04/2024