KolekTIRV promotes and protects the rights of trans, intersex and gender variant (TIGV, which abbreviates to TIRV in Croatian) people. 

How can it help you

KolekTIRV promotes and protects the rights of trans, intersex and gender variant (TIGV, which abbreviates to TIRV in Croatian) people. 

The main goal of the KolekTIRV is to promote and protect the human rights of trans, intersex and gender variant (TIGV) people, deconstruction of cisnormativity, gender binary, patriarchy and heteronormativity.

Psychological, peer and legal support

Psychological, peer and legal support are regular programs of KolekTIRV. Psychological support includes individual counseling (online and in person) with psychologist Matea Popov (matea@kolektirv.hr) or transactional analysis specialist Gabriela Ivanov (gabe@kolektirv.hr). As part of legal support, KolekTIRV cooperates with lawyer Bojana Ivanišević.

Peer support includes the following:

  • individual counseling (online and live) for TIGV persons and families of TIGV persons; 
  • support groups for all TIGV persons
  • support groups for trans masculine people;
  • support groups for trans feminine people;
  • support groups for intersex people; 
  • support groups for families of TIGV persons

Trans Talks and Inter Talks

Trans Talks is a cycle of panels where we discuss different trans topics. You can come and say what bothers you, what you face in your everyday life, what makes you happy, what makes you sad, and everything else that comes to mind, and you can also just listen to the experiences of others.

Likewise, Inter Talks is a place for intersex people looking for support. Through three different counseling methods, KolekTIRV aims to provide the necessary help and support to as many people as possible who need it. Support groups enable intersex people to exchange experiences, knowledge and information, as well as mutual socialization and exchange of emotional and social support. Individual counseling with an intersex person allows you to work on yourself and the current problem through an anonymous, intimate and confidential atmosphere in KolekTIRV’s counseling center, while online support allows all people who are not from Zagreb or are simply not ready to risk anonymity to still contact for help and support.


  • promotion and protection of the rights of TIGV persons at the social level
  • advocacy for individual well-being, the right of choice and self-determination, and the general good of TIGV persons
  • empowerment, awareness, education and capacitation of the Association and TIGV population throughout the country
  • elimination of violence, discrimination and multiple discrimination against TIGV persons, and assuring TIGV persons are respected in society to the extent that they feel comfortable being visible in everyday life
  • Psychological, peer and legal support

More information & Contacts

+385 95 407 2841

Ilica 139
10 000 Zagreb

Last updated 01/04/2024