Svitanje – Association for Promotion of Mental Health

Svitanje aims to promote and protect mental health in the community for persons with mental disorders, encouraging the development of community programs that promote social inclusion and protection of human rights.

How can it help you

Support groups

Svitanje holds regular meetings of self-help groups run by its members. Support groups for family members of persons with mental illness take place Thursdays from 16:30-18:00. An online version of these meetings is in planning. To join, contact Davorka Vukadin via phone at 098 957 9510 or via e-mail at

Support groups for people in recovery take place Thursdays from 18:00-19:30 in person or Mondays from 18:00-19:30 via Zoom. To join contact Marijana Bavčević at


  • Promotion of programs for the rehabilitation of persons with mental illness to develop alternative forms of care and prevent institutionalization
  • Workshops, counseling, and self-help groups for people with impaired mental health
  • Programs that contribute to the realization of the right of people with impaired mental health to equality in society, work, housing, and other human rights 
  • Propose laws and bylaws to the competent authorities of the state administration, as well as local government and self-government
  • Awareness-raising through stands, round tables, media, and the like
  • Support in the process of socialization and adaptation of people with mental disorders as well as people who have similar problems 
  • Preparation of subjects within the framework of occupation therapy and their sale where any profits will be used for the work of the association 
  • Cooperation with related and other associations and institutions at home and abroad

More information & Contacts
+385 1 3833265

Dnevni centar “Svitanje”
Kuća ljudskih prava
Selska cesta 112a
10 000 Zagreb

Last updated 01/04/2024