Friends of Earth Croatia - Green Action (Zelena akcija)

Friends of Earth Croatia, also called Green Action (Zelena akcija), is a citizen’s environmental association active since 1990.

Guided by the principles of social justice and systemic change, Green Action fights for the protection of the environment and nature, promotes degrowth in Croatia and faces threats to the environment and public health locally, nationally and globally by organizing activities aimed at encouraging public participation in environmental decision-making, improving the quality of life in Croatia and protecting the commons.  It achieves its goals through non-violent direct actions, campaigns, informing the public and education, through the joint action of a professional team and volunteers, as well as through cooperation with other organizations and with the participation of the public.

How can it help you

Green Phone

The Green Phone (Zeleni telefon) was founded in 1992 to promote and facilitate public participation in solving local environmental problems. The main activity is receiving reports from citizens about local environmental problems and solving those problems. The Green phone plays an important role in supporting local initiatives and certain Green Action campaigns infact grew out of various citizens’ reports to the Green Phone.

You can contact the Green Phone at +385 1 481 2225.

Bicycle Repair Workshop - BicPop

The bicycle repair workshop, commonly referred to as “BicPop” is a free, volunteer and participatory bicycle service based on the "do-it-yourself" principle: repair your bicycle yourself with the help of our volunteers! It’s open Thursdays from 17:00 to 20:00, providing everyone interested with space, tools and tips that would allow them to repair their bike themselves. Bicycle owners will be able to find some of the harder-to-find bicycle-related tools that usually don’t pay off to buy.

In addition, the BicPop provides consumables and chemicals such as patches, adhesives, oils and greases and everyone who comes has the support of volunteers who will help them solve problems that they do not know how to fix themselves. The use of the Bicycle Repair Workshop is free for everyone, but users must buy all the parts that need to be replaced on their bike. We do not sell anything, but only provide space, the ability to use tools and the help of on-duty volunteers.

Clothing swap parties

Green Action organizes clothing swap parties every month, i.e. every last wednesday in the month in their info-center at Frankopanska 1, Zagreb. Swap parties are a great way to change consumerist habits created by the fast fashion industry and freely obtain clothing without the need for buying new clothes.


  • Organizing public campaigns and direct actions, mobilizing the public in the defense of the environment and nature, public health, the commons and to promote degrowth.
  • Organizing workshops, seminars, trainings, summer camps and educations for individuals, communities and organizations linked to environmental topics.
  • Organizing events, such as swap parties and film festivals, that promote topics such related to a sustainable and eco friendly lifestyle.
  • Organizing round tables, conferences and other public events that advocate eco-friendly production, economic models etc.
  • Developing and implementing projects linked to environmental topics.
  • Advocating for just ecological policies and climate justice, i.e. social justice and systemic change.

More information & Contacts
+385 1 481 3096

Frankopanska 1
10 000 Zagreb

Last updated 01/04/2024