The Women’s Room – Center for Sexual Rights

The Women's Room is a feminist, non-profit civil society organization aimed at preventing and suppressing sexual violence, providing direct support and assistance to survivors of sexual violence, promoting and protecting sexual rights, working on the development of public policies, prevention programs, improvement of legislation and implementation of specialized education and awareness, and sensitization of the public on the issue of sexual violence.

How can it help you

Support for survivors of sexual violence

A multidisciplinary team of experts within the Women’s Room provides comprehensive and free help and support to survivors of sexual violence according to their individual needs. They organize and implement free professional help and support for victims of gender-based violence, with an emphasis on sexual violence through psychological and legal counseling, information on support in the health care system, psychotherapy aimed at working through the traumatic experience, preparation for court proceedings and work with close relatives of victims of violence.

A more detailed account of the service they includes the following: 

  • accompanying people in the process of reporting sexual violence (accompanying to the police, hospital, state attorney's office, court, social welfare centers); 
  • preparation for court proceedings;
  • counseling and therapy: crisis counseling (legal and psychological, information about available services in the healthcare system), therapeutic work in working through the traumatic experience; 
  • information and counseling for the victim's relatives;
  • development and publication of various materials intended for survivors of sexual violence.


  • Organizing and conducting workshops, trainings, round tables, gatherings, lectures with the aim of professional development and awareness of the target groups of the Women's Room;
  • Active involvement of children and youth in the implementation of preventive activities in the area of suppression of violence against and among children and youth;
  • Acquaintance of experts in Croatia with different existing models and practices of prevention, treatment and suppression of gender-based violence, with an emphasis on sexual violence, as well as in the field of sexual rights;
  • Organizing and implementing free professional help and support for victims of gender-based violence, with an emphasis on sexual violence through psychological and legal counseling, information on support in the health care system, psychotherapy aimed at working through the traumatic experience, preparation for court proceedings, work with close relatives of victims of violence;
  • Publishing activity in the field of activity of the Women's Room;
  • Collection, archiving and systematization of books and other materials intended for the use of members and all interested persons;
  • Cooperation and networking with national, regional and international organizations, associations and institutions with related goals;
  • Monitoring and influencing the harmonization of legislation in accordance with international conventions, declarations and other legal mechanisms related to gender-based violence with an emphasis on sexual violence and sexual rights;
  • Monitoring and influencing the harmonization of legislation in accordance with international conventions related to sexual and gender minorities.

More information & Contacts
+385 1 6119 174

Maksimirska cesta 51 A
10 000 Zagreb

Last updated 01/04/2024