Monitoring is a special investigative action and public authorities can apply control over and seizure of communications in the course of criminal proceedings.

In Croatia, when you are suspected of a crime, communications monitoring may be employed as a legal investigative measure by law enforcement agencies according to the Criminal Procedure Act or the Electronic Communications Act

Throughout the process, you have rights, including the right to legal representation during any legal proceedings related to the investigation. If evidence obtained through communication monitoring is used against you, you should be informed, and you have the right to challenge its legality in court. 

Monitoring of private communications can be performed either in the form of:

Special investigative actions

During special investigative actions, public authorities can apply control over and seizure of (postal) correspondence and monitoring of telephone conversations and other means of communication, such as e-mails and postal mail in the course of criminal proceedings if:

  • there are reasonable grounds to believe that these communications could contain needed evidence and
  • only if there are no alternative means for obtaining the evidence

Operational actions

During operational actions, the monitoring of postal, electronic and other types of correspondence, as well as the wiretapping of telephone, electronic conversations and other means of communications can be performed if:

  • there is well-founded information about a particular persons’ connection to a crime or
  • if there are threats to important interests of the State, for example, to state security

What human rights violation may there be?

Although the use of secret surveillance may be necessary in the interests of national security and/or for the prevention of disorder or crime, these actions interfere with your private life. However, only unlawful intrusion will result in the violation of your human right to private life

Furthermore, the use of unlawfully obtained evidence affects the right to fair trial. The mishandling of personal data collected during monitoring may breach data protection regulations such as the GDPR. The lack of effective remedies for individuals to challenge monitoring legality can violate the right to an effective remedy. 

Was the action carried out lawfully?

To evaluate whether an investigative or operational action against you was carried out lawfully and whether your privacy has been sufficiently respected, see the questions below. If, in your situation, your answer to one of these questions was negative, your privacy and right to fair trial may have been violated. In such a case, you have the right to complain. Read more about how to complain.


Last updated 16/08/2024