If you believe that your personal data has been processed unlawfully during the investigative or operational actions and that your human right to private life has been violated, you have the right to complain.

Secret surveillance over your communications and activities, as well as the search and seizure of your electronic devices and data indisputably limit the right to control the use of your personal data and thus the enjoyment of your right to private life. If you believe that the investigative and operational activities taken are unlawful and/or disproportionate, you can challenge the decisions and actions taken by the public authorities.

You must be certain whether your privacy has been breached in criminal proceedings or administrative regular proceedings. Regardless of the case follow these general instructions:

  • Identify the Relevant Authority: Determine the data protection authority, ombudsperson, or regulatory body responsible for overseeing data protection and privacy in your jurisdiction
  • Review Data Protection Laws in Croatia: Familiarize yourself with local data protection laws to understand your rights and the obligations imposed on data controllers and processors
  • Gather Information: Collect detailed information about the alleged data processing, including the entities involved, the nature of the investigative actions, and the specific personal data affected
  • Document the Violation: Document how your right to a private life has been infringed due to the unlawful processing of personal data. Specify incidents and any resulting harm
  • Contact the Data Controller or Processor: Reach out to the entity responsible for data processing. Express your concerns, seek clarification on the processing activities, and document your communication
  • Submit a Formal Complaint: File a formal complaint with the relevant data protection authority. Provide a comprehensive account of the alleged violations, attach supporting documentation, and include details of any communication with the data controller or processor
  • Consider Legal Representation: If the violation is severe, consult with a privacy lawyer. They can assess the situation, advise on your rights, and assist in the formal complaint process
  • Cooperate with Investigations: If the data protection authority initiates an investigation, cooperate fully. Provide any additional information or evidence required to support your complaint

About this section

In this section you can learn how to protect your rights and seek compensation where your rights have been violated.


Last updated 19/08/2024