How to complain about legal regulation that does not sufficiently protect your right to private life?

Legal provisions have to be sufficiently clear and detailed to give you an adequate indication as to the circumstances and the conditions under which public authorities can interfere with your right to private life, in the course of investigative and operational actions. In addition, an effective mechanism for how to complain about a potential abuse or misuse of your data has to be stipulated in law.

If you believe that the relevant legal provisions in the Criminal Procedure Act is not sufficiently clear and precise, or does not guarantee effective safeguards against potential abuses and misuses, and thus your right to private life has been violated, you can submit an application to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia. You can read more about the Constitutional Court and about how to prepare your application.

Croatia places a strong emphasis on safeguarding privacy and ensuring fair trial rights. If you encounter potential violations, several avenues are available:

  • You can submit a complaint to the Ombudsperson, who investigates potential human rights violations, including those related to privacy.
  • You can engage in legislative advocacy by corresponding with government officials, reaching out to privacy-focused civil society organizations, and participating in public consultations. Joining or establishing advocacy groups enhances collective efforts for legislative changes that better protect privacy.

For situations directly impacted by a regulation, consider pursuing strategic litigation. This involves filing a lawsuit not only for personal remedy but to establish a legal precedent challenging the broader regulation. Given the resources and legal expertise required, consulting with a specialized lawyer is crucial.


Last updated 19/08/2024