Everyone has the right to access information that is of public nature and is in the possession of public authorities.

This means that every citizen, as well as every legal person (company, civil society association, media, institution, etc.) has the right to access information of a public nature, regardless of citizenship or residence.

example You have the rights to ask your Mayor how the city government is spending public money, and you should have access to these public records of the city's spending.

This information can concern the work of public authorities, their decision-making, financial issues, everything related to their work or organization, except in cases where the information or its parts are protected by law in order to preserve other important interests (e.g. privacy or national security).

Information includes all existing information in the form of documents, records or information recorded in any other form (written, visual, auditory).

The request for access to information is submitted to the information officer who is appointed in every public authority. The list of information officers in all public authorities with contact information is available on the website of the Commissioner.

The public authority is obliged to act upon the request within 15 days from the date of receipt of the request, and in exceptional cases, this deadline can be extended by a further 15 days, which the information officer is obliged to inform the applicant about. If the public authority does not resolve the request within the specified period, the applicant has the right to file an appeal to the Information Commissioner.

Together with the appeal, it is recommended to attach a copy of the submitted request and proof of its submission to the public authority.


Last updated 27/03/2024